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Canvas Badges FAQ

What are Canvas Badges?

Canvas Badges are digital credentials that can be awarded to students to recognize their achievements, skills, and participation. For detailed information, see the official Canvas Badges documentation.

What permissions do I need as an instructor to use Canvas Badges?

You will need staff access to the MSI Issuer in Canvas Badges to create badges and integrate them with your course. Reach out to the EDS team if you need help getting access.

How do I create a badge?

To learn how to create badges in Canvas, refer to the Creating Badges guide.

How do I manually award badges to students?

For instructions on how to manually award badges to students, see the Awarding Badges guide in the Canvas Badges Guide.

How do students view their earned badges?

Students can view their earned badges through their Canvas Badges profile. For more detailed on viewing learning progress, see Viewing Learner Progress.

Can badges be revoked after being awarded?

Yes, instructors can revoke badges they have awarded. See the How do I revoke a badge assertion in Canvas Badges? guide for more information.

Are Canvas Badges compatible with other badge platforms?

Canvas Badges follows the Open Badges standard, making them compatible with other platforms that support this specification. For technical details, see the Badge Standards documentation.

Where can I get more help with Canvas Badges?

For additional support and resources: